Cycling Petition To Educate GA Motorists/Cyclists

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Here is a GREAT and super ‘easy’ way cyclists can put pressure on Gov. Deal and our legislature to make a concerted effort to educate the public regarding GA’s 3-FT law.  Oh, way too many cyclists don’t have a clue either on what this law says is legal while riding.  Don’t believe me?  Just show up at just about any local group ride and you’ll see them breaking the same law that they scream about that motorists don’t know about.  Goes both ways!!!

Anyway, I hope you sign this petition so we can get a massive number of signatures….which puts real ‘teeth’ behind the petition…and what will get their attention.  Hey, if you don’t do something constructive to help be part of a resolution, then (in my opinion) you don’t have the right to complain.  Just sayin…


Coach Robert…

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